The Advocacy Briefing: Fall Forecast

On September 13, House and Senate negotiators announced an agreement on a budget bill to fund the Department of Education that would lock in funding for federal education programs through September 2019

What's in it? The legislation preserves funding for Title II, Part A at current levels of $2.055 billion and also includes:

Title I state grants – increase of $100 million, to $15.9 billion

Special education state grants (IDEA) – increase of $87 million, to $12.4 billion

Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants – increase of $70 million, to $1.17 billion

What's Next: The Senate passed the bill on Tuesday, September 18; the House will consider the legislation next week, ahead of the September 30th deadline when the current FY18 funding bill expires.

Why it Matters: Continued strong Title II, Part A funding is critical for states and districts to provide support and professional development for teachers and principals. Title II, Part A is the only federal funding source dedicated to the preparation, training, and support of teachers and principals, including professional development opportunities.

Deeper Dive: Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations conference report and explanatory statement (education programs begin on page 532).

Key Takeaway: Following two consecutive Presidential budgets that called for the elimination of Title II funding, if the bill passes, the program would be preserved at its current level of $2.055 billion for a second consecutive year.

Preschool Development Grants

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced $250 million in available funding for Preschool Development Grants. All 50 states and the District of Columbia are eligible. HHS expects to distribute 40 awards by the end of the year, ranging from a minimum of $500,000 to a maximum of $15 million.

Key Takeaway: Funding for these grants, authorized in the Every Student Succeeds Act, provides a significant opportunity for states to move the needle on expanding access to high-quality early education.

NAESP Launches New Advocacy Podcast. Subscribe now!

NAESP has a new advocacy podcast. Tune in to learn about the policies, legislation and laws impacting principals—from the halls of Congress, to state capitols, to local school boards. Guests will include principals, researchers, advocates, policymakers, and transformational leaders in the field. We'll talk funding, research, emerging trends, advocacy updates, and ideas that are changing the education landscape.

What Did I Miss? The first episode is with Paul Fleming from the Tennessee Department of Education. Paul chats with us about how the state is making principals a priority.

Click here to subscribe.

National Principals Month Just Around The Corner

National Principals Month recognizes the essential role that principals play in making a school great. Each October, NAESP, NASSP, and AFSA come together to honor principals for their tireless efforts. For a list of events happening throughout the month, including dates and times for webinars, Twitter chats, and other events, please visit the calendar on the National Principals Month page. Below are a few advocacy-related events happening during the month:

Congressional Briefing: “Leveraging Principals to Retain Quality Teaching and Boost Student Learning”
October 3, 12 – 1:30 pm EDT
To lead a school effectively, principals must also fulfill the role of instructional leader and create the learning conditions that support teaching and learning. The briefing will examine how the principal role has expanded in recent decades and what types of federal support principals need to be successful.

How Can I Participate? The event will be livestreamed:

Principal Shadowing Week: Host Your Legislator For a Shadow Visit
October 15 –19
Have you ever wanted to invite your Member of Congress or state legislator to visit your school, but you weren’t really sure how to do it? School visits give elected officials the opportunity to experience firsthand what principals do on a day-to-day basis and understand the principal's role in supporting teachers and improving student outcomes.

Watch: Watch a webinar on the nuts and bolts of inviting your legislator and ensuring a successful visit.