As the conference comes to a close, official blogger Melinda Miller reflects on her experience.

Tapping Into the Knowledge of Others: That's a Wrap

By Melinda Miller

Wrapping up #NAESP15, both my head and heart are full this week. Let me break it down for you.

My brain is on overload from all the great information shared this week. Where do I start to plan and use all the information? It's easy! Start small.

Pick three things you learned that you would like to implement or try during the 2015-2016 school year. Be sure to write those three things down and put them in a place you will see every day. Whether it's your desk, your bathroom mirror, or the door of your house, post your list.

My heart is full from connecting with so many principals who put the needs of our students above all else. All our conversations came back to what's best for kids. We could have talked policies, regulations, legislation, and I can assure there were some conversations about those things too. But the topic always turned to what's best for kids. It makes me proud to work with such devoted principals.

This post brings us to the end of the 2015 NAESP Conference in Long Beach, CA. It has been an honor to serve as the official conference blogger. However, there have been some other amazing blog posts to come out of this conference that you may not have seen. I would like to take this opportunity to share the words of other great principals who use blogging as a platform to share the great things going on in their schools and about our profession.

Melinda Miller serves as the official blogger for the 2015 Annual Conference. Visit NAESP’s Conference News page to find the latest updates from Long Beach.

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