Get the Latest News from Nashville

Get the Latest News from Nashville

This week, principals from across the country will head  to Nashville to learn, share, and explore at NAESP's 2014 Annual Conference and Expo. There, attendees will find a wide range of opportunities for professional growth, including great plenary sessions, workshops, the Social Media Lounge, and more.

Here are three sources for conference news and updates:

  • The Wrap
    Debuting this year, The Wrap is a series of notes and top strategies from hot conference sessions. Each day of the conference, NAESP will collect notes from attendees and post each edition of The Wrap on the 2014 Conference News website. The Wrap is a perfect tool to boost personal learning and share takeaways with your colleagues and staff. In addition to The Wrap, the Conference News site also offers blog posts, tweets, photos, and podcasts.
  • Conference App
    Download the 2014 NAESP Conference App to your mobile device from iTunes or Google Play. The app offers conference news, schedules, lists of speakers and exhibitors, maps, up-to-the-minute conference alerts, and more.
  • edWeb
    Conference news will also be posted to Leading Learning Communities, a new professional community for pre-K-8 principals hosted on Register at and join NAESP's community. In addition to conference news, you'll also have access to resources relevant to principals, and the opportunity connect with fellow conference attendees and educators across the edWeb network.

This year's conference is shaping up to be another excellent event. These conference tools can help principals maximize the experience.


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