Greetings from Seattle

My name is David Hanson, and I am serving as NAESP's blogger for the national conference. I am the elementary principal for the Wyndmere Public Schools in Wyndmere, North Dakota. We are a small rural, public K-12 school located in Southeast North Dakota.
I serve as the state editor for the North Dakota Association of Elementary School Principals (NDAESP). My affiliation with NDAESP has allowed me to attend several national conventions and leaders' conferences. I am involved with NAESP through the state editors group.
NAESP has once again planned an outstanding slate of speakers and concurrent sessions. I am having a hard time finalizing my conference schedule with so many quality choices--a nice problem to have!
I am looking forward to meeting with the state editors¹ group as well as attending the National Distinguished Principals¹ reunion. Another highlight will be the Zone 7 Breakfast as well as the Zone 7 Social.
My advice for my fellow attendees is to take in as much as you can and to make sure to save some time to visit with your peers from across the nation. The networking opportunities at a national convention are top notch! I look forward to sharing my journey with you!
David M. Hanson, elementary principal, Wyndmere Public Schools, North Dakota
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