Here’s Help on Ending Bullying

At hundreds of schools across the country this month, the hallways are colorfully decorated with student-created posters decrying bullying. October is National Bullying Prevention Month, and schools nationwide are seeking to raise awareness of and stomp out this insidious problem. NAESP is doing its part, launching new resources to help principals combat bullying in their schools and maintain safe, nurturing school environments.

On the Bullying Prevention Resources page, you can find links to articles, books, videos, policies, and comprehensive websites geared to the needs of principals. If you have an anti-bullying policy or program that you would like to share on this page, please email it to

As part of its ongoing partnership with Hazelden Publishing, the NAESP Foundation this month announced a bullying prevention distance learning course for school principals. Bullying 101 for School Principals: What Principals Should Know and Be Able to Do is a three-hour course that provides evidence-based information about bullying and cyberbullying, best practices in bullying prevention, and details on how administrators can effectively stomp out bullying.

Let’s join together to put a stop to bullying in schools.

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