House Makes First Play to Reauthorize ESEA

K-8 principals will be directly impacted by programs proposed for elimination, including the School Leadership Program that provides professional development support.  

Last week, Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA), Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education, introduced the first in a series of bills that will be considered by the House Education and the Workforce Committee to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. According to the committee’s news release and Representative Duncan’s Floor statement, the “Setting New Priorities in Education Spending Act” (H.R. 1891) seeks to eliminate forty-three “wasteful” K-12 education programs in order to “balance the budget, restore fiscal discipline” and reduce the role of the federal government in education.  

Elementary and middle-level principals will be directly impacted by several of the programs proposed for elimination, including the School Leadership Program, Improving Literacy through School Libraries, Reading is Fundamental, Parental Information and Resource Centers, and others that provide invaluable services and equip educators with the tools and resources necessary to help students succeed academically. NAESP believes that many of the targeted programs are not “duplicative” or “excessive” spending and serve as important services for educators. For example, the School Leadership Program provides much needed professional development support for principals and if eliminated would greatly reduce the amount of money available for principal professional development. While Title II funds would still be available, only an estimated three percent of current Title II funds appear to be used to build the capacity of principals.

Here is a list of programs the House proposes to eliminate.

NAESP opposes the elimination of programs that help meet the professional development needs of principals to be effective instructional leaders, and other programs currently implemented in schools to boost general activities that improve teaching and learning, particularly in literacy, school safety, and outreach to parents and families. NAESP will strategically work with partners in the education community to actively support programs that are important to principals. In addition, we encourage you to contact your Representatives and voice your opposition to H.R. 1891.

As various measures to reauthorize ESEA move forward, NAESP will provide additional updates and the potential impact on principals and important programs.

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