An Innovative Mindset

An Innovative Mindset

By Kaylen Tucker

Voxer, Remind, Touchcast, Diigo. The list of go-to apps and tools continues to expand, and it can be a challenge in itself for busy school leaders to know the difference between what’s worth it, and what’s not. The May/June issue of Principal magazine underscores two main truths for staying on the cutting edge of innovation, even while avoiding platforms that might soon become obsolete.

  1. Most efforts will require a course correction.
  2. Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) are key in the technology integration process.   

The articles in this issue describe a constant narrative: lack of resources and time leads to investing in an innovation solution. But as with any implementation, technology integration is not always a straight shot. Thus, schools frequently start out on a technology journey, with best intentions, and then must adjust the effort. In this era of fast-paced change, tapping into a PLN can be a crucial time saver.

When principals are connected to a PLN, they are never alone in vetting new ideas, tools, platforms, and initiatives. Together, networks can navigate what is a good use of time versus what is a waste of time. In this way, PLNs are never obsolete.

My PLN suggested apps and tools that will help principals integrate school technology programs and execute the ideas described in this issue’s innovation -ocused articles. Here is a sampling:

To implement a 1:1 computing program:

  • Zite: Stay on top of research and trends while planning for tech implementation.
  • Feedly: Follow blogs and articles to help you with your practice.
  • Dropbox: Essential for sharing documents on iPads.


To use flipped communication with teachers and parents:

  • Diigo: Social bookmarking site that allows you to share articles.
  • TouchCast: Helps you create professional-quality videos.
  • Movenote: Allows you to video yourself next to slides.


To develop a student-centered technology program:

  • Kidblog: Teachers, parents, and students can use this secure blog space.
  • Common: Sense Media: Digital citizenship resource that features sample student contracts.
  • WeVideo: Easily create, edit, and share video presentations.


To enhance your communication—beyond Twitter and Facebook:

  • Remind: Mass text messaging system that allows users to share information without revealing personal phone numbers.
  • Storify: Collect and archive tweets, Facebook posts, and Instagram photos on your school website.
  • Google Forms, Docs, and Spreadsheets: Solicit quick feedback from stakeholders.


Which tools to you find essential to your work as a school leader?

Kaylen Tucker is editor-in-chief of Principal magazine.