It Pays to Take a Risk

It Pays to Take a Risk

By Melinda Miller

Who knew a graffiti artist would have a profound impact on school principals? Well it happened today! Erik Wahl's challenged us to encourage risk taking with our students and staff. He left me with two lingering questions:

  • What's holding us back? Students? Teachers? Principals? Let's pose this question to our staff and then take away the barriers to success and let them take risks.
  • How can we encourage risk-taking in our schools? 

Fast forward to Innovation Lab sessions. So much sharing today in the Innovation Lab. Never underestimate the power of impromptu conversations at conference. Sitting and talking to other principals about common topics in education can be so energizing.

So many conversations were happening around our learning today. Todd Whitaker pointed out that we must never forget that principals are still learners. Leaving a session and being able to keep the conversation going is where the real learning takes place. Voxer and Twitter were introduced multiple times today. Stop by the Innovation Lab and learn about technology that will keep the learning going long after this conference is over.

Melinda Miller serves as the official blogger for the 2015 Annual Conference. Visit NAESP’s Conference News page to find the latest updates from Long Beach.

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