Join #pennedchat This Saturday, June 14

Start your weekend with a free professional development and networking opportunity. Join NAESP for a Twitter chat on pre-K-3 learning communities this Saturday, June 14, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. (Eastern).

NAESP is teaming up with the Mid-Career Doctoral Program in Education Leadership at the University of Pennsylvania for the chat.

Questions for the chat, which will use the hashtag #pennedchat, may include:

  • What is the role of technology in PK-3 education? How have you used it?
  • How does blended learning differ in the pre-K space?
  • What successful steps have you taken to develop & promote a clear vision for PK-3 education in your school?
  • What challenges have arisen as you’ve aligned PK-3 curriculum with K-5?  What suggestions do you have for others who do the same?
  • How have you focused resources to finance PK needs in your school?
  • What are some surprises that arise when a school incorporates a new pre-K program?
  • What was the best thing you did to align PK-3 education?
  • What difficulties should PK-3 principals prepare for?

Never participated in a tweetchat before? It’s easy. First, make sure to follow moderators @naesp, @MCDPEL, and @joe_mazza. On Saturday morning, log into Twitter and search for the hashtag #pennedchat. Refresh your browser during the chat to see new questions. (Or, use the tool TweetChat to follow the discussion.) The questions will be numbered with Q1, Q2, and so on. When you want to respond to a question, label with each answer with the question it refers to by typing A1, A2, and so on, and use the hashtag #pennedchat in each of your answers.


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