My Two Cents: Recharging Your Batteries

My Two Cents: Recharging Your Batteries

In the latest installment of My Two Cents, Principal magazine asked principals how they recharge during their busiest school weeks. This is how some of you responded:

My favorite way to recharge is to take a long weekend and travel somewhere I haven’t been before. My goal is to visit all 50 states in my lifetime.
Sarah J. Hengst, principal of John Paul II Catholic School, Houston, Texas

Laugh! Get together with friends and share funny stories. Humor allows me to relax. Levity is key to the role of an administrator.
Ericka Guynes, principal of Earl Boyles Elementary School, Portland, Oregon

I start out each day with an All-School Assembly. It’s my selfish time with students and staff. I get to teach/present/lead, which always gets my motor revved up!

—Rod Garman, principal of North Fairview Elementary School, Topeka, Kansas

How do you recharge during your busiest school weeks? Leave your comments below.

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