NAESP Advances the Interests of Principals as ESEA Moves on Capitol Hill

NAESP Advances the Interests of Principals as ESEA Moves on Capitol Hill

NAESP continues to work with lawmakers on Capitol Hill and stakeholder partners in the advocacy community to put forward the principals’ perspective on key issues as the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) moves quickly in the House and Senate. The following provides a recap on activities over the past week, as well as information about key policy positions NAESP has put forward on behalf of principals.

Last week, NAESP filed comments on Title I and other sections of a proposed discussion draft bill. The proposal was released in January by the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee Chairman, Lamar Alexander (R-TN) to kick-off the Senate debate. Given the importance of renewing the law to ensure high-quality assessment and accountability systems, sufficient funding for Title I, as well as support for the role of principals, NAESP is advancing a comprehensive advocacy agenda, which will be rolled out as part of the upcoming National Leaders Conference.

In the Senate, completion of an ESEA reauthorization hinges on whether or not Republicans and Democrats can truly negotiate a bipartisan bill. Late last week, a joint statement was released by Senator Murray, the Ranking Democrat on the HELP Committee, and Chairman Alexander that they will attempt to work together to try to formulate a bipartisan bill for committee mark-up in early March. While Republicans seek to reduce the federal footprint in education and increase "flexibility" by turning ESEA into a block grant that would offer states and districts greater authority on how to use federal funds, Democrats are looking to add priority areas that were stripped in the discussion draft back in, such as literacy, STEM, technology as well as early childhood education. NAESP will continue to focus on making sure the voice of principals is elevated as these discussions move forward.  

On the House side, lawmakers are moving forward quickly on a strictly partisan track to reauthorize the law. On Wednesday, House Republicans on the Committee on Education and the Workforce passed H.R. 5, the Student Success Act, to reauthorize ESEA and will mark-up the bill on the House Floor the last week of February. NAESP has submitted comments on behalf of the nation’s principals regarding the House Republican bill. As the reauthorization process moves forward, NAESP will continue to advocate on the interests of principals. For any questions related to the advocacy and policy agenda surrounding the reauthorization of ESEA, please contact

Final ESEA Comment Letter Title II Principals Groups.pdf259.96 KB
Final ESEA Senator Alexander Title I Principals Groups.pdf214.45 KB
Principals Comments on HR 5 - FINAL.pdf142.54 KB

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