NAESP Joins National Push for Coordinated Mental Health and Safety Services

As the nation continues to mourn the horrendous tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary and contemplate implications for school safety, NAESP joined the nation’s leading experts from the research and school communities in a call for greater support for programs focused on mental health and student well-being. Coordinated services in mental health and school safety must be funded at the national, state, and local levels to grant schools access to programs that provide students with direct support for health, well-being, and safety.

NAESP believes that there should be a strong collaborative relationship between the school, the community, and local service providers. The community school partnership is a unique and vital feature of American education and there is a need to strengthen partnerships and direct services for health and wellness in every school. Principals are too familiar with the issues that led to the tragedy at Sandy Hook. Working with parents and the local community, principals are best positioned to consistently address the multitude of health, safety, social, emotional, and educational needs that are components of every child’s success.

Going forward, the Association will advocate for community-based mental health programs that bring together local law enforcement, schools, and other key community stakeholders to create a system that responds to student mental health concerns and potential threats to community safety. Schools need access to the appropriate personnel and programs to establish positive connections to the community. Read the statement.

IGPSCV CT School Shooting Position Statement.pdf233.75 KB

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