NAESP Radio: Engendering Creativity in Students

As the push for accountability reaches high gear, and budget cuts cripple, limit, or eliminate many school Naesp-radio jpg arts programs, principals are using innovative instructional methods to engender creativity in their students.
In the latest segment of NAESP Radio, Gail Kulick, principal of Resica Elementary School in East Stroudsburg, Penn., discusses the classroom practices she and her teachers use to foster creativity and incorporate arts education into core subjects such as science and math. Listen to the full interview on NAESP Radio and learn how NAESP and Crayola are helping schools engender creativity in students.

At Resica, teachers work in conjunction to bring other content areas into the art room. For example, a unit on symmetry requires Resica students to create their own snowflakes in art class to visually reinforce the science they are learning from their textbooks. 

Kulick does not believe that the arts are “fluff” but argues they are essential to learning. “In the world today, no one person can do it all. We see that we need those creative problem-solving, out-the-box type thinkers,” she says.

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