NAESP Reponds to ESEA Draft

NAESP has combed through the House of Representatives' draft bill rewriting the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), and has sent feedback focused on the interests of principals.

NAESP and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) joined forces to send a detailed letter to Rep. John Kline, R-Minn., chairman of the House education committee. In it, the organizations outline support for many of the provisions in the draft legislation, including the elimination of Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), removal of 100% proficiency requirements, and the additional allotment of time (six years) for states to adopt and implement new standards, assessments, and accountability systems.

However, NAESP and NASSP criticized the draft legislation for continued overreliance on standardized tests and too little focus on principals as instructional leaders.

"Given the role of principals in our nation’s schools, federal policy must support greater emphasis on and recognition of their responsibilities, and set the guidance for states and local districts to provide professional development that will build capacity as instructional leaders," the letter reads.

Read the full letter here.


NAESP joined several other education groups to send a second letter to the House. This letter, drafted by NAESP with the American Association of School Administrators,  Association of Education Service Agencies, NASSP, National Rural Education Advocacy Coalition, National Rural Education Association, and National School Boards Association, outlines broad policy priorities on topics such as funding and class size.

Read the full letter here.


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