NAESP’s Pre-K-8 Conference: 5 Reasons Why

There are dozens of reasons why our members say they plan to attend our national conference in July. Here are five of our favorites:

  1. "I get a year's worth of fantastic leadership PD in just a few days."
  2. "The speakers are the best in the field and there are lots of them."
  3. "I get to meet and share ideas with principals from all over the country."
  4. "I always walk away inspired and with a ton of new information to use with my teachers."
  5. "The new summer schedule works! I won't have to be away from my building and my family is going to have fun exploring Orlando."

Don't miss out on the great speakers, informative sessions, and networking with colleagues. The NAESP Conference experience is like no other. Visit NAESP's Pre-K8 Principals Conference website to learn the latest news and see who will be there.

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