New Estimate on the Size of Education Cuts

The Center on Budget Policy and Priorities has released an analysis of looming sequestration, titled "How the Across-the-Board Cuts in the Budget Control Act Will Work."

Sequestration, as previously explained here, is an across-the-board budget cut resulting from failed deficit reduction negotiations.

The newest estimate for the size of the cut, set to occur January of 2013, is 8.4 percent. Earlier estimates indicated 7.9 percent or 9.1 percent cuts would occur. A cut of 8.4 percent would result in a $3.80 billion reduction to the U.S. Department of Education’s discretionary funds.

For more on the effects of this cut:

  • view this podcast by IDEA Money Watch on how the sequestration will effect IDEA, or
  • read the Congressional Research Service's overview report or this deeper report exploring the impact on domestic programs.


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