Principals to Convene for Federal Relations Conference

NAESP federal relations coordinators, members who serve as grassroots advocacy representatives for each state, will travel to Washington, D.C., for NAESP’s annual Federal Relations Conference (FRC). From February 6 - 8, they'll have the opportunity to meet with lawmakers to discuss NAESP’s advocacy priorities, and hear from Capitol Hill insiders on efforts to update current federal education policy.

This year’s FRC will focus on efforts underway in the House of Representatives to move legislation reauthorizing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), and what lies ahead for the committee-passed ESEA reauthorization bill in the Senate. Conference attendees will hear from two panels of top congressional staff and leading experts on the 2012 education agenda, given recent failed bipartisan negotiations in the House and the looming presidential election.

NAESP continues to work protecting the interests of principals. NAESP’s advocacy campaign is also moving forward, pressing for high-quality mentoring for early career principals and dedicated funding for improved principal professional development.

Members can follow updates from the FRC on this blog, and on Twitter.

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