Principals Day of Action: Say “No” to Education Budget Cuts


Save the date and get ready to tell Congress to reject proposed budget cuts that would eliminate key programs like those that support teachers and principals. Join NAESP and other national organizations on June 14 for the National Title II Day of Action. Be ready to tell members of Congress why these funds are important to you, your district, and teachers to meet the needs of over 34 million Pre-K-8 elementary school students in the United States.

3 Simple Ways to Participate

1. Support the Thunderclap on Twitter

Let your voice be heard on social media by supporting the #TitleIIA thunderclap. Not familiar with how this works? Take a look at this quick video to explain how the thunderclap with help amplify our message.

Also, Tweet #TitleIIA, #FundTitleIIA @ your representatives on Capitol Hill. Here are some sample tweets you can use:

  • #TitleIIA allows states and districts to improve teaching and school leadership through professional learning
  • #TitleIIA is critical for achieving the goals around equity and excellence in ESSA.
  • Fund #TitleIIA to support increased student achievement by promoting strategies to positively affect teacher and principal effectiveness.
  • Fund #TitleIIA, it is critical for school leaders and principals to do their jobs effectively, cuts threaten this ability
  • Millions of school leaders depend on #TitleIIA to improve schools and instruction in the classroom, fully #FundTitleIIA
  • #ESSA allows states to use 3% of #TitleIIA funds for PD for principals, cutting decreases the chances to seize this opportunity
  • Fund #TitleIIA and give state #ESSA plans a chance to work!

2. Send a prewritten letter to Congress

Use our easy advocacy tool to send a pre-written letter or better, customize your own in the NAESP Legislative Action Center.

3. Call your members in Congress

Unsure who your Representative is? – Visit the Find Your Representative tool. Unsure what to say?  Here is a sample script you can modify for use when speaking to staff members of the office.

  • I am a practicing principal of a Pre-K-5 school, Jane Doe Elementary School, in Anytown, ST. I am calling to request support for Title II, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) as part of the FY 2018 appropriations process that Congress is considering. This funding is necessary for our state and our district so that we can support high-quality teaching and learning in my school. The formula grants also provide our district’s principals with the support that we need as school leaders.
  • On behalf of our districts’ teachers, principals, AND students, please restore all of the funding for this important program as part of the federal budget process and the authorized level in ESSA. We are depending on those funds for a program that supports more collaborative time for teachers, and a professional learning network for principals that would otherwise not be available.

For more information about the Day of Action, please contact NAESP’s Chief Strategist, Kelly D. Pollitt. Thank you in advance for your advocacy and support for the profession to the benefit of all children.