Speaking Out on Teacher Evaluation

Speaking Out on Teacher Evaluation

In the latest Speaking Out column in Principal magazine, Louis F. Cicchinelli examines the current state of teacher evaluation, and suggests ways it should be improved. In “The Value of Teacher Evaluation,” Cicchinelli outlines what is required for good evaluation systems, and how they can benefit teachers, administrators, and schools.

Although Cicchinelli acknowledges that “There are many challenges to using sophisticated statistical methods such as value-added models to link teacher performance and student performance,” he also points out that “we must eventually make the connection between teacher and student performance.”

There are clear benefits to teacher evaluation systems according to Cicchinelli, including timely feedback for teachers, personal growth, and increased retention. Administrators have much to gain from evaluations as well, such as being able to created aggregated performance data at the school and district level “so that patterns of performance can be uncovered and professional development or other interventions can be effectively deployed when necessary.”

Cicchinelli concludes that despite being fraught with obstacles and difficulties, teacher evaluation is not only necessary but beneficial. What are your thoughts on the value of teacher evaluations? Share your ideas in the comment section below.

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