Takeaways From the Principalship

This month for our My Two Cents question, we approached former principals and asked them: Since you left the principalship, how has your experience as a K-8 principal informed your work in your current capacity? Here's what a few of your colleagues had to say:

After 13 years in administration, I decided to leave the principalship in 2009-2010 for a federal programs director’s position with the district. My experience as a K-8 principal in schools that were all Title schools was the most beneficial asset I had going for me upon entering the position. Because of my experience with maintaining Title documentation and going through Title audits, I had an idea of where I was going when began. I knew the requirements for the schools and was also familiar with the budgets and procedures. This was my ace in the hole.  I can’t imagine being a federal programs director without prior administrative experience in Title schools.
Roma Morris, Principal, Jefferson Middle School, Columbia, Mississippi     

Nineteen years as a middle school principal in an era of high-stakes testing provided me with a multitude of practical experiences in achieving developmentally responsive middle-grades classrooms and instruction. I am able to share my knowledge and experiences of effectively meeting young adolescents’ educational needs in ways that make sense to my preservice teachers. My experiences inform the work preservice teachers do to ensure they are well prepared for success in middle schools.
Robert Heath, Assistant Professor, Middle Grades Teacher Education, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina

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