Teacher Retention Report Misses the Point

A report released recently by TNTP declares that principals do not take aggressive action to retain excellent teachers.

What would a principal have to say about that assertion?

That it's inherently flawed, say Gail Connelly, NAESP Executive Director, and JoAnn Bartoletti, Executive Director of the National Association of Secondary School Principals. 

In a statement released today, Connelly and Bartoletti, whose respective organizations have long advocated for sensible policies that support principals’ ability to nurture successful schools, argue that the report misses the point.

Most of the nation’s 95,000-plus K-12 public school principals lack the direct authority to hire, fire, and promote teachers, they write. They call for principals to be given the authority to promote excellent teachers, for "teaching excellence" to be defined by more than just test scores, and for an end to the "blame game" where researchers look for scapegoats instead of solutions.

Read the full statement here.

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