An Update on the House ESEA Reauthorization Bill, Debate on Twenty-six Amendments Begins


The U.S. House of Representatives has started to debate the Student Success Act, H.R. 5, after the House Rules Committee, late last night, approved 26 of the 74 amendments offered by House Members. The debate will continue Friday on this bill which will rewrite the cornerstone federal education law, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This is the first time an overhaul of K-12 education legislation has been debated since No Child Left Behind was signed into law in 2001.

NAESP is opposed to the Student Success Act, read more here and here to learn what principals think of the legislation. NAESP is asking principals to tell your Representative in the U.S. House to oppose the Student Success Act, which can easily be done through NAESP’s Legislative Action Center.

Find the full list of amendments being debated here. The base bill will be debated for an hour, followed by 10 minutes of debate for each amendment. The final vote on the underlying bill is expected to occur Friday, July 19th. For those of you interested in watching the action on the House floor, it can be viewed live on C-Span here.

The White House has indicated they would veto the Student Success Act, if presented the bill as written. Find the Administration’s statement of policy on the bill here.


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