Call for Nominations for the 2018 Vice President

Announcement of NAESP Vice President Position for 2018

NAESP is seeking candidates for the office of NAESP Vice President for 2018-2019. Nominees must be NAESP life members or active members who are active principals or assistant principals. The term of office for NAESP Officers is three years beginning August 1 of the first yer and ending July 31 of the third year. NAESP Officers serve the first year as Vice-President, the second year as President-Elect and the third year as President. In order to be considered by the Nominating Committee when it meets in November, a prospective candidate must submit the electronic Prospective Candidate Data Form to NAESP as early as possible, but not later than October 1, 2017

*The 2018 Vice Presidential Election is a special category year for ethnic minorities. 

The Prospective Candidate Data Form must be completed by the candidate and can be obtained by contacting Jennifer Shannon, NAESP Governance Services Director, at or 703-518-6286.