Custom Learning for National Principals Month

Custom Learning for National Principals Month


October is the time to shine a light on principal leadership. In honor of National Principals Month, here are custom learning experiences that will help you excel.

Twitter Chat: Principals and Personal Wellness
Wed., Oct. 11 at 8:00–9:00 p.m.
This Twitter chat, hosted by Julie Hasson and Missy Lennard of Purposeful Principals, will address the common stressors for educators and provide recommendations for becoming a healthy school leader. Follow #ThankaPrincipal to participate in the Twitter chat. More info here.

Webinar: Future Focused School Leadership
Wed., Oct. 11 at 3:00 p.m. EST
Join Bill Daggett, Founder and Chairman for the International Center for Leadership in Education, as he describes essential leadership skills to create impactful student and adult learning. More info here.

Webinar: #LeadLearner Strategies for Building Innovative Schools
Wed., Oct. 11 | 3:30–4:40 p.m.
This webinar, led by Derek L. McCoy and Joe Mazza, will explore empowering stakeholders and redefining what learning looks like today. More info here.

Webinar: Leading the Learning: A Conversation on Culturally Responsive Leadership
Thurs., Oct. 19 | 4:00–5:00 p.m. ET
This webinar will provide school leaders with practical strategies to lead learning in a culturally responsive way and promote capacity-building conversations so that all students can be successful. Led by Brad Gustafson and Bill Ziegler. More info here.

Twitter Chat: Supporting New Principals
Wed., Oct. 25 at 8:00 p.m. ET (30 minute chat)
#NAESPChat is back for 2017. If you are a veteran principal, join in and share your valuable insight. If you are a new principal, participate in the chat and grow your professional learning support network. More info here.

Webinar: Effective Feedback That Improves Teacher Performance and Student Achievement
Oct. 26 | 2:00 p.m. ET
Participants will learn to identify strategies effective in urban and suburban districts based on data achieved when this protocol is implemented with fidelity. More info here.

Twitter Chat: Escaping Zombie Faculty Meetings
Sun., Oct. 29 | 8:00-9:00 p.m.
Please use #PrinLeaderChat to participate in the conversation.

Access the full list of National Principals Month activities and events here.