Cut Classroom Name-Calling with New Bullying Toolkit

This week, NAESP and the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) released Ready, Set, Respect!, a toolkit for elementary school teachers on establishing a safe, respectful classroom culture. Ready, Set, Respect! contains lesson plans on name-calling, bullying, bias, and diversity awareness.

The guide arrives on the heels of a GLSEN report, "Playground and Prejudice: Elementary School Climate in the United States," revealing the widespread prevalence of harassment in elementary schools. Three out of four students surveyed report witnessing regular name-calling and bullying, and half of all elementary school teachers call bullying a serious problem at their school.

"Elementary principals are painfully aware of the impact that name-calling, bullying, and bias have not only on an individual student's development, but also in disrupting a positive school culture that nurtures the whole child," said Gail Connelly, NAESP executive director. "Principals, who are key instructional leaders, are poised to partner with teachers and to use resources such as Ready, Set, Respect!, ensuring that schools are safe and respectful environments that nurture students' social and emotional development."

In addition to exploring bullying and harassment, the 68-page Ready, Set, Respect! also provides tips for inclusive teaching, intervening in bullying incidents, and promoting respectful playground interactions.

Visit our Bullying Resources page for additional tools to address bullying.