ESEA Bills Pass House Committee

Legislation to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was passed by the House Education and the Workforce Committee, led by Chairman John Kline (R-MN), in a vote split down party lines. Will the current version of the bill benefit principals?

"NAESP supports several provisions in Chairman Kline's bills, such as dismantling AYP and the omission of so-called 'reform' models that require dismissing principals," said NAESP Executive Director Gail Connelly. "We applaud these important improvements. However, the bills also include other areas that could negatively impact principals. We have to look at these areas very carefully and make certain that the needs and interests of principals are protected in their essential role as instructional leaders."

Read NAESP’s letter to Rep. Kline and statement on the status of ESEA.