Meaningful Solutions for School Safety in the Newtown Aftermath

Following the Sandy Hook tragedy, NAESP Executive Director Gail Connelly published "Meaningful Solutions for School Safety in the Newtown Aftermath" in Ed Week. The commentary explores the need for more coordinated school and community services for students and their families.

"[T]he 20,000 members of NAESP and many others across the nation demand a renewed nationwide effort to address the issues surrounding the Sandy Hook tragedy—not putting a gun in the hand of every teacher and principal," writes Connelly. "More meaningful solutions must be sought through comprehensive planning and coordination to prevent violence, even in the earliest years. These plans should include access to mental health services for children, youth, and adults who are showing signs of psychological distress, including depression, anxiety, withdrawal, anger, and aggression, as well as assistance for the families that support them."

Read the full piece here.