NAESP 2015-16 Platform Approved

NAESP Platform 2015-2016

The proposed resolutions were approved by the Board of Directors and the General Assembly was informed on February 22, 2015.The NAESP Platform serves as the statement of beliefs for the Association and its members, elementary and middle-level principals. It consists of a summary of all resolutions adopted by business meetings, and since 1974, by Delegate Assemblies.The Platform is reviewed and updated annually and submitted to the Board of Directors in February. 

The NAESP Resolutions Committee meet every November to update the statements to accurately reflect the realities of your profession. The results of the 2014-2015 Committee’s diligent work were changes (edits, combinations, and deletions) to the Introduction and 23 resolutions.  This year, a new resolution Principal Health and Wellness was adopted. You may view the complete NAESP Platform here.

NAESP believes that the child is the focal point of the educational program and that education in our society must assist each child to realize his or her potential as a functioning and contributing member of that society. The Association believes that each child should have an equal opportunity to attain self-realization.

NAESP further believes that the elementary and middle-level school is the foundation of all educational efforts on behalf of the child, and that the primary responsibility for the development of an effective program in each elementary and middle-level school is vested in the principal.

Therefore, NAESP dedicates itself to achieving the recognition of the principal as the authority in the supervision and administration of the elementary and middle-level school.