NAESP Commends Apple for Commitment to Schools

NAESP Commends Apple for ConnectED Commitment to Provide Schools Access to Digital Tools
Support will give schools technology that is needed to help close the digital divide.

Contact: Kaylen Tucker, NAESP,, 703-518-6257

ALEXANDRIA, VA–Oct. 28, 2014–NAESP applauds Apple, Inc.’s selection of 114 schools serving high-need student populations to receive special grants as part of the company’s ConnectED commitment. Apple’s $100 million grant program will provide awardees with digital tools such as iPads and MacBooks, learning content, curriculum support, and wireless infrastructure.

The multi-year program is aimed at transforming learning in schools located in many of the nation's most underserved communities. All grant recipients have 96 percent or more students eligible for free or reduced-priced lunches.

The effort is a necessary strategy to advance equity and opportunity in the nation’s public education system. Access to technology and resources continues to be a critical factor in leveling the playing field for the nation’s most disadvantaged students and helping them succeed.

“The lack of access to digital learning tools continues to hinder educators’ ability to provide high-quality 21st century learning experiences for students living in poverty,” said NAESP President Mark White, who served on the selection committee. “NAESP was delighted to assist Apple with the review of ConnectED applications this summer, and be part of a program that will clearly begin to close the digital divide that prevents so many students from success in today’s world.”

Apple joined the ConnectED initiative as part of President Obama’s comprehensive K-12 technology plan to provide access to technology and empower students through individualized learning. NAESP also supports ConnectED to provide students and schools with access to technology and resources, including educator professional development.  

Established in 1921, the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) leads in the advocacy and support for elementary and middle school principals in the United States and internationally. NAESP supports principals as the primary catalysts for creating lasting foundations for learning through policy and professional development, advocacy, programs, and resources for effective instructional leadership. NAESP advances the profession on behalf of all principals, providing specialized support and mentoring for early career principals. Key focus areas including pre-K-3 education, school safety, technology and digital learning, and capacity-building educator evaluation. For more information about NAESP, please visit