NAESP Leadership Academy Selected for 2018 “Power of A” Silver Award

National Association of Elementary School Principals’ Leadership Academy Selected for 2018 “Power of A” Silver Award

NAESP’s Pre-K–3 Leadership Academy recognized for its impact on America and the world.

Alexandria, VA—July 17, 2018—The American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) awarded the National Association of Elementary School Principal’s Pre-K–3 Leadership Academy with a 2018 “Power of A” Silver Award for innovative programs and activities that positively impact America and the world.

The awards are part of the “Power of A” program, an industry brand and awareness campaign that helps associations tell their story to key audiences including policymakers, the media, business leaders and their own members. NAESP’s Pre-K-3 Leadership Academy is the first national, evidence-based, blended-learning program to provide principals and program directors that serve Pre-K through grade 3 students with next-generation professional learning support.

“The nation’s children deserve a quality early childhood education that will support and enhance their learning and life chances,” said NAESP Executive Director Dr. L. Earl Franks, CAE. “NAESP is committed to supporting school leaders as they build their capacity to provide a seamless continuum of learning for students age 3 to age 8. This Academy fills an important void in professional learning opportunities for school leaders and others engaged in early learning.”

NAESP’s Pre-K–3 Leadership Academy embraces a vibrant vision that imagines a quality early childhood education that is filled with play, creativity, early literacy and numeracy, music and art, physical activity and time to nurture, support, and enhance each child’s social and emotional growth.

The Academy features a blended learning structure of in-person trainings as well as online coursework. After satisfactory completion of the year-long program requirements, each participant will receive an NAESP Pre-K–3 Leader credential to recognize the advanced study. The Academy was launched in 2017 in Alabama, credentialing its first cohort in June 2018. Michigan began a cohort in April 2018, and the second Alabama cohort began May 2018.

To learn more about NAESP’s Pre-K–3 Leadership Academy and its impact on early learning and school leadership, visit

Principals are the primary catalysts for creating lasting foundations for learning. Since 1921, the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) has been the leading advocate for elementary and middle-level principals in the United States and worldwide. NAESP advances the profession by developing policy, advancing advocacy, and providing professional development and resources for instructional leadership, including specialized support and mentoring for early career principals. Key focus areas include pre-K–3 education, school safety, technology and digital learning, and effective educator evaluation. NAESP administers the National Principals Resource Center, the American Student Council Association, and the President's Education Awards & American Citizenship Awards Programs. For more information about NAESP, please visit