NAESP Transitions to new Zone 5 Director

The NAESP Board of Directors has announced the resignation of Bill Jones, director of Zone 5, effective Aug.1, 2019.

Jones has been a stellar NAESP leader and carried out his responsibilities in a highly professional manner. As an outstanding principal representative for Zone 5, Jones served as a strong vocal advocate for ensuring a quality education for all children. Jones will be assuming a new leadership role as a principal coach in his home state of Kentucky. NAESP wishes Jones the very best as he pursues the challenges and opportunities of this new position.

David A. Naylor Jr., M.Ed. has stepped in as NAESP's new Zone 5 director. Naylor is elementary principal at Model Laboratory School in Richmond, Kentucky. He will continue to serve on the board of directors and complete the term of office ending July 31, 2021.