Nation’s Principals to Visit Capitol Hill, Launch NAESP Advocacy Agenda

Kaylen Tucker, NAESP

Nation’s Principals to Visit Capitol Hill,
Launch NAESP’s Advocacy Agenda

NAESP leads K-8 school leaders in call for stronger federal education policies that invest in quality recruitment, preparation, and ongoing support for principals.

Alexandria, VA—February 20, 2014—Elementary and middle-level principal leaders from across the country will gather in the nation’s capital to launch the National Association of Elementary School Principals’ (NAESP) 2014 Advocacy Agenda. This agenda focuses on strengthening federal policies to better support the nation’s principals, and includes new recommendation to support principals’ implementation of teacher evaluation. Nearly 200 principals will meet with their members of Congress to discuss federal education policies, such as the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and the early childhood legislation that will expand pre-kindergarten programs, while attending NAESP’s National Leaders Conference (NLC), February 23-25 in Arlington, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.

Highlights of this year’s conference will include:

Building Federal Support for Principals. Principals will advocate on Capitol Hill to improve federal policies that will help states and districts build the capacity of principals and advance school improvement. School leaders will urge Congress to recognize the substantive role of principals, and provide direction to both waiver and non-waiver states to better support instructional leadership. The advocacy agenda also includes ways for lawmakers to provide programs for quality recruitment, preparation, and professional development for principals. (Tuesday, February 25, various congressional offices)

New Teacher Evaluation Policy Recommendations. Principals will also discuss new policy recommendations on teacher evaluation. Supporting Principals in Implementing Teacher Evaluation Systems, a joint brief by NAESP and the National Association of Secondary School Principals, offers policymakers and district leaders seven recommendations to bolster principals as new teacher evaluation systems take root.

Congressional Champion Award. NAESP will honor Rep. Susan Davis (D-CA) and Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) for their work on behalf of the nation’s principals, through the introduction of the School Principal Recruitment and Training Act. This bill, which was written with input from NAESP and principals, serves as the primary vehicle to strengthen federal policies for instructional leaders.  

As part of NLC, NAESP will offer a leadership development program with presentations from top thought leaders, including:

  • David Meerman Scott, marketing strategist and author of The New Rules of Marketing and PR and eight other books, including his most recent title, Marketing the Moon. Dinner Keynote Presentation, Sunday, Feb. 23, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel.
  • John Cronin, Director of Kingsbury Center, Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA), Why It’s Time to Stop Pretending School’s Should Be Managed Like Baseball Teams. Monday, Feb. 24, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel.
  • Deborah Delisle, Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Education and Chris Minnich, Executive Director, Council of Chief State School Officers Instructional Leadership, National and State Perspectives on Policy. Tuesday, Feb. 25 9-10:15 a.m., Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel.

Note: Principals may be interviewed on February 25 after their congressional appointments or at the Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel on February 24 or 25. To interview principals about their congressional meetings, or to locate principals from particular states or districts, please contact Kaylen Tucker ( or 703-518-6257).


Principals are the primary catalysts for creating lasting foundations for learning. Since 1921, the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) has been the leading advocate for elementary and middle level principals in the United States and worldwide. NAESP advances the profession by developing policy, professional development, and resources for instructional leadership including specialized support and mentoring for early career principals. Key focus areas include pre-K-3 education, school safety, technology and digital learning, and effective educator evaluation. For more information about NAESP, please visit

NAESP administers the National Principals Resource Center, the American Student Council Association, and the President's Education Awards & American Citizenship Awards Programs.