Notice of NAESP Proposed Bylaws

Notice of NAESP Proposed Bylaws

April 15, 2014

Two years ago, inspired by the rapidly changing environment surrounding all non-profit and membership organizations and in keeping with the tradition of an overall review of the NAESP Bylaws every 10 years, the NAESP Board of Directors called for a Bylaws Review Committee to be formed. In the fall of 2011, then President Rob Monson appointed former NAESP President Barbara Chester to chair the committee.

Representatives from all nine of NAESP's geographical zones comprised the committee which conducted an extensive review, and in February 2013 presented the NAESP Board of Directors with proposed amendments to the Bylaws.

On July 12, 2013, the NAESP Delegate Assembly voted to refer the proposed amendments to the Bylaws back to the Bylaws Review Committee for further deliberation based on the Delegate Assembly discussion. Subsequently, the NAESP Board of Directors took action on August 9, 2013 to charge the Bylaws Review Committee to revisit the proposed amendments to the Bylaws and consider two key issues:

  • Voting rights – preserving the one member one vote tradition; and
  • Nomination process – preserving the Nominating Committee.

Additionally, the Board of Directors and the Bylaws Review Committee solicited member feedback on the proposed amendments to the Bylaws. The Bylaws Review Committee met on November 6, 2013 in order to consider input and feedback from the field before submitting the final report of the Bylaws Review Committee to the NAESP Board in February 2014. Upon receiving the report of the Bylaws Review Committee the Board considered and approved the proposed amendments and made one additional amendment to allow 200 instead of 400 members to petition for changes in the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation. All State Leaders and members who attended their respective Zone meetings during the annual National Leaders Conference in February 2014 received a copy of the Proposed Bylaws that incorporated all of the proposed amendments. The Board of Directors met once again on Monday, February 24, 2014 to consider feedback from the Zone meetings and took action to approve the NAESP Proposed Bylaws and to provide notice to NAESP members no later than April 15, 2014.

Click here to view the NAESP Proposed Bylaws.

The Proposed Bylaws will be voted on by the Delegates attending the Delegate Assembly during NAESP’s 2014 Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, on July 11, 2014.