Principals Say Eliminating Funding Is “Unconscionable”

Principals Say Eliminating Funding for Educator Professional Development Is “Unconscionable”

NAESP, along with the National Association of Secondary School Principals and the American Federation of School Administrators, issued a statement opposing the elimination of funding that is meant to support teachers, principals, and other school leaders.

“The House made an unconscionable decision yesterday to eliminate funding for Title IIA. With an abundance of research pointing to educator quality as the primary factor in student success, a budget that singles out support for educators as unworthy of federal investment sends the public a message that Congress does not care about the educators that serve over 35 million students in our nation’s schools. This decision is particularly painful given that this very same body passed the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) with new rules to narrow the uses of Title II funds to their intended purpose of developing teachers, principals and other school leaders. We strongly encourage members of Congress and the Senate to do better for our nation’s students and restore Title IIA funding to its authorized level of $2.295 billion.”

Read coverage of the statement here.