Redstone Elementary and NAESP 2012 National Distinguished Principal Laura Wilson Wins Coveted Apple Award

Redstone Elementary and NAESP 2012 National Distinguished Principal Laura Wilson Win Coveted Apple Award

Principal Laura Wilson, center, is awarded Apple's Distinguished School award. Photo by Jane Reuter.

Douglas County Colorado, January 25, 2015 - Highlands Ranch's Redstone Elementary recently added another honor to its growing list of accolades when the Apple computer company named it an Apple Distinguished School.

The program recognizes schools for innovation, leadership and educational excellence. Redstone was recognized for its accomplishments during the Jan. 20 Douglas County school board meeting.

The honor recognizes Redstone's iPad program. In 2012, the school achieved its years-long goal of putting an iPad in each student's hands. Since then, student enthusiasm for learning has leapt.

“We know students are way more engaged when they have technology in their hands,” principal Laura Wilson said. “We can't keep teaching kids the way we've always taught kids. A lot of research shows our kids are bored. We've got to start moving and growing with the kinds of students we're getting.”

Wilson most recently witnessed the impact in a second-grade classroom, where some students already are learning multiplication tables.

“Kids can move at their own pace rather than waiting for everybody to catch up by just embedding some apps that will move them further along,” she said. “We are focused on letting our kids drive the bus.”

Redstone is the only DCSD school with a one-to-one iPad ratio, Wilson said. But the staff is doing its part to help other schools follow their lead.

Redstone plans this year to invite educators from across the country to visit and learn more about its iPad initiative.

Please read full story here.