Statement on U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision in Department of Commerce v. New York

Statement from NAESP Executive Director Dr. L. Earl Franks, CAE, on U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision in Department of Commerce v. New York:

“NAESP applauds the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision today to prevent the administration from adding a citizenship question to the 2020 Census, which could have a damaging and far-reaching impact on our nation’s public schools. It is critical that the 2020 Census provides an accurate portrait of the population, considering the results determine how more than $675 billion in federal funding, including for education programs like Title I and school safety, is distributed to states and communities. An undercount would mean a decrease in federal funds to certain communities. NAESP was proud to join other education groups in an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to rule against inclusion of the citizenship question. As the issue is considered in lower courts, NAESP will continue to advocate for an accurate U.S. Census that ensures a fair allocation of federal funding for education programs."