Media Advisory          
Contact: Kaylen Tucker, NAESP

Principals push for focus on early childhood and professional development during annual legislative meeting.

Alexandria, VA—January 28, 2011—In order to advocate for new policies that will give principals, who are the primary catalysts for shaping long-term school improvement, the tools they need to function as effective school leaders, K-8 educators from around the nation will gather for a conference in the nation’s capital to discuss the upcoming reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. During the National Association of Elementary School Principals’ (NAESP) Federal Relations Conference, which takes place Jan. 30-Feb. 1 in Alexandria, Virginia, and Washington, D.C., participants will meet with legislators to discuss two legislative recommendations: investing in early childhood development and high-quality principal mentoring programs, as well as to exchange ideas with representatives from local education associations.

WHO: Elementary and middle-level educators and leaders from across the nation

WHAT: Advocating for investments in early childhood development and high-quality principal mentoring programs as a part of NAESP’s Federal Relations Conference

WHEN and WHERE:Monday, Jan. 31—ESEA Reauthorization panel discussions featuring national education organizations and congressional staff from the House and Senate education committees at the Westin Hotel Alexandria, 400 Courthouse Square, Alexandria, Virginia, 22314

Tuesday, Feb. 1—Legislative appointments at various congressional offices on Capitol Hill

WHY: Learn more about principals’ priorities for ESEA reauthorization, including early childhood development and high-quality principal mentoring programs.             

HOW:To interview principals about ESEA reauthorization or to attend one of the ESEA Reauthorization panels on Monday, Jan. 31, please contact Kaylen Tucker at or 703-518-6257.


Established in 1921, the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) serves elementary and middle school principals in the United States, Canada, and overseas. NAESP leads in the advocacy and support for elementary and middle-level principals and other education leaders in their commitment to all children.