Principal March/April 2014: Poverty

Almost every principal in the nation is thinking about how to level the playing field for low-income students. While schools are but one link in a chain meant to anchor the nation’s students who live in poverty, principals are uniquely positioned to coordinate supports for students. This issue is designed to offer advice to principals who work every day to support students in poverty. Inside you'll also find articles on a range of issues important to school leaders, and a collection of web resources to guide your work.


Perspectives on Poverty
Ericka Guynes, Marc Jackson, Sam Mercer, and Tory Cox
A principal, superintendent, parent, and social worker weigh in on mitigating the impact of poverty on the nation’s schools and children.
(Article available to the public.)

Spreading the Word on Early Education
Helen Blank and Karen Schulman
Principals’ influence on teaching and advocacy can help children in poverty overcome the early learning gap.
(Article available to the public.)

Open Doors for Students in Poverty
Regina Stewman
Follow these guiding tactics to retain high-quality teachers and prevent burnout.

Flipping Reading
Joe Corcoran
A Title I school extends reading lessons beyond the classroom walls for struggling students.


Promising Practices
George Theoharis and Joanne O’Toole
English-language learners at two schools succeed when educators accept responsibility and plan for success.

Understanding Academic Growth Models
Raymond Yeagley
Increased attention on academic growth has highlighted the correlation to teacher performance.
(Article available to the public.)


From the Editor
Keys to Success for Low-Income Students
Kaylen Tucker
(Article available to the public.)

Research on kindergarten, best practices for new principals, digital safety
(Article available to the public.)

Practitioner’s Corner
Teachers’ Lounge: From Toxic to Tonic
Jennifer Schwanke

Raising the Bar
10 RTI Tasks for Principals
Barbara Laster et al.

Principal’s Bookshelf
The School Improvement Planning Handbook: Getting Focused for Turnaround and Transition
By Daniel L. Duke, Marsha Carr, and William Sterrett
Reviewed by Christopher Wooleyhand

Parents and Schools
Families: Essential for Excellence
Reneé Jackson

The Reflective Principal
Purposeful Motivation
Lisa Kline

Ten to Teen
From School-time to Lifetime Readers
Jim Trelease

Speaking Out
Changing the Poverty to Prison Paradigm
Melissa Nixon
(Article available to the public.)

It’s the Law
Verbal Abuse of Students Revisited
Perry Zirkel

Poverty Matters
Gail Connelly
(Article available to the public.)