Principal March/April 2017: Technology for All

As the role of technology in schools continues to evolve and expand, principals will need to be at the forefront of innovation as well as continuously tend to equity and instructional leadership. The articles in this issue of Principal magazine provide a forward-looking overview of school technology leadership—from comprehensive topics like digital equity to specific strategies like using digital badges to motivate students.

Click here to read the digital edition.


Schools of the Future
Seven gears principals can leverage to enhance technology use.
Thomas C. Murray

Digital Equity: The Civil Rights Issue of Our Time
Students deserve equal access to digital resources—anywhere, anytime.
Keith Krueger and Jayne James

Everyone Has a Role to Play in Safeguarding Student Data
How students’ personal information is used and protected should guide the use of digital teaching tools.
Taryn Hochleitner

Tech Integration, One Room at a Time
Furnish a model classroom with tech tools to create a hub of experimentation.
Kirk Koennecke and John Carder

Going Digital With Badges
Badges offer educators and students new ways to demonstrate and reward achievement.
Richard E. Ferdig, Kristine E. Pytash,L. Emery Nickerson II, and David Smith

Twitter Chats Made Simple
New to Twitter chats? Learn the basics with this guide.
Brad Gustafson



Let PE Teachers Play a Leading Role
When it comes to social-emotional learning instruction, don’t overlook the PE teacher as the one to take charge.
Joel DiBartolomeo

Legal Eagles
Embrace the law to improve your leadership.
Mark Paige

The Power of Focus
It’s all about prioritizing to achieve simple, inexorable school improvement.
Michael Schmoker


From the Editor
Back to the Future
—Kaylen Tucker

Nuggets of research, policy, and practice to keep you informed.

Member Spotlight
Illinois Principal Leverages Sports Background

Practitioner’s Corner
One-on-One Coaching
—Bridgid M. Burke and Sheri R. Long

Parents & Schools
It’s Your Call: Share Positive Feedback
—Dana Boyd

Principal’s Bookshelf

Cool Things to Do If a Bully’s Bugging You: 50 Classroom Activities to Help Elementary Students
By Catherine DePino
—Reviewed by Julie Bloss

Design-Based School Improvement: A Practical Guide for Educators
By Rick Mintrop
—Reviewed by Jen Thomas

Mission Accomplished
—Evelyn Cruz

It’s the Law
Student Concussions
—Perry A. Zirkel

Best Practices
From Deficit to Distinguished
—Taj Jensen and Christine Kelly

Speaking Out
Cross Over the Digital Divide
—Andre Benito Mountain

Thriving in an Ever-Changing World
—Gail Connelly