Principal May/June 2018: PLNs & Mentoring Connections

This issue of Principal magazine explores how principals leverage formal and informal models of support to execute key leadership principles. The issue presents best practices for mentoring and coaching, and shines a light on the growing impact of social media networks.

Click here to read the digital edition.

The May/June 2018 issue is also accompanied by a special supplement developed in partnership with The Wallace Foundation, focusing on the key practices of principal leadership.


Navigating the Journey Through Principal Land
Four pillars of mentorship to help build leadership capacity
Monique D. Lamar

Mentoring Magic
Peer assistance and review helps Baltimore County Public Schools increase teacher retention and student achievement
William S. Burke and Abby Beytin

Help Is on the Way
How to get the most out of principal coaching
Jerenze A. Campbell

Reach Out!
Push the boundaries of your digital network with these three tools
Liz Garden, Todd Nesloney, Travis Crowder, and Carrie McWilliams

The Power of the Walkie-Talkie Principal
How setting up a global PLN using Voxer can ignite your leadership life
Rick Jetter and Rebecca Coda

Find Your Tribe
How to leverage PLNs to fill voids and refine work-life balance
Kaylen Tucker


Wanted: Latino Teachers and Administrators
Why cultural representation matters—and how you can build a diverse pipeline
Letisha Marrero

Closing the Execution Gap
Tired of not accomplishing your school improvement plan? Try this instead.
Sean Covey and Lynne Fox


From the Editor
The What, How, and Why of Leadership
Kaylen Tucker

Nuggets of research, policy, and practice to keep you informed

5 Things
How to engage at national conferences

In the Spotlight
North Carolina Principal Advocates for Student Success

Practitioner’s Corner
Toward Technology Integration
Lisa Vrvilo

Early Career
Differentiated Instructional Coaching
John F. Eller and Sheila A. Eller

Raising the Bar
Think Big!
Stephanie Downey, Jason Van Heukelum, and Michael Thier

The Reflective Principal
The 5 Best Pieces of Advice I Ever Received
Chris Antonicci

Principal’s Bookshelf
Another Way
Jennifer Truitt-Lewis

It’s the Law
Retention in Grade
Perry A. Zirkel

Speaking Out
Sparks That Light the Dark
Todd Nesloney and Travis Crowder

In the Middle
Middle School Mentors Mean Business
Janet Layne

The Difference Mentoring Makes
L. Earl Franks, Ed.D., CAE