Principal November/December 2013: Safe & Positive School Culture

Students today need every possible advantage to navigate the increased expectations of their ever-complicated worlds. A safe school with a positive culture gives them that advantage, helping them focus on achieving their fullest potential. Because culture permeates every aspect of a school—from teaching and learning conditions to collaboration to attendance to security—a princi­pal’s ability to maintain a positive environment can improve learning outcomes. This month's issue asks how principals can create positive school cultures, and how to ensure that school is a physically and emotionally safe place to learn. Inside you'll find effective strategies and helpful web resources for improving school climate and safety.

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Coordinating Positive School Culture
Bobbi DePorter and Mark Reardon
Three steps to balance vision and practice.

Supporting Mental Health
Benjamin S. Fernandez and Kelly M. Vaillancourt
Use your school psychologist to provide a multitiered system of support.
(Article available to the public.)

Safe Digital Citizenship
Sandra A. Trach
Online safety requires ongoing professional learning for staff and continuing education for parents.

Smart Security Reviews
School leaders and security experts weigh in on safety and positive school culture.
School Safety Check Up—Michael Dorn


School Leadership Matters
In an interview with NAESP’s Gail Connelly, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan shares his vision for pre-K-8 education.
(Article available to the public.)

A Culturally Proficient Lens
Reyes Quezada, Delores Lindsey, and Randall Lindsey
Five essential elements to achieve culturally proficiency and to ensure success for English-learning students.


From the Editor
A Home Court Advantage
Kaylen Tucker
(Article available to the public.)

Member spotlight, research report, and top books
(Article available to the public.)

Parents and Schools
Inclusive Tips for LGBT Families
Juliet E. Hart

Practitioner’s Corner
Early Learning Walkthroughs
Corinne Eisenhart and Elisabeth Grinder-McLean

Raising the Bar
Book Study on Race Bridges Gaps
Dan Shelton and Mae Gaskins

Principal’s Bookshelf

The Trust Factor: Strategies for School Leaders
By Julie Peterson Combs, Stacey Edmonson, and Sandra Harris
—Reviewed by Regina R. Stewman

Strategic Co-Teaching in Your School: Using the Co-Design Model
By Richael Barger-Anderson, Robert S. Isherwood, and Joseph Merhaut
—Reviewed by Ayesha Farag-Davis

The Reflective Principal
Advocates for the Voiceless
Patrick Delmore

Ten to Teen
The Benefits of Advisory
Amanda Wall

Speaking Out
Three Layers of Education Leadership
Joseph Murphy
(Article available to the public.)

It’s the Law
Drug and Alcohol Testing for Staff
Perry A. Zirkel

School Culture: An Accurate View
Gail Connelly
(Article available to the public.)