5 Things: November/December 2018

The work of a principal is never done. You do it all, and you love it. But even principals require support. We want to keep you in the know about how your Association is serving you while you serve kids. Here are five things you need to know about:

Principal in action.

NAESP President Eric Cardwell took the ultimate #PrincipalRoadTrip by traveling nearly 4,500 miles and visiting 28 schools during his two-week tour. “I took this listening tour as not only a cele­bration of schools and principal leadership, but also to take a real look at the successes and challenges that they are facing,” he says. Learn more

Look Ma, NAESP is on Instagram.

Think of it as Facebook’s sassier younger sister. You’ll see behind-the-scenes photos and videos, read stories about NAESP members and the education community, and be inspired by motivating thoughts that’ll brighten your day. Find us at @thenaesp. Learn more

Champions for creativity.

Twenty schools have been selected to receive 2018–2019 Champion Creatively Alive Children grants from Crayola and NAESP. More than 180 schools have received sup­port to implement arts programming over the course of the partnership. That’s a lot of crayons. Learn more

Blueprint for success.

The 2018 National Blue Ribbon Schools and Green Ribbon Schools have been announced, and many are led by NAESP-member principals. Blue Ribbon schools ensure a safe place for students to excel in learning, while Green Ribbon schools reduce envi­ronmental impact and promote wellness. Congratulations to the recipients!


NAESP thanked principals through­out October—National Principals Month—with e-cards, webinars, Twitter chats, the National Distinguished Principals Program, and a briefing on Capitol Hill. But it doesn’t have to end there. NAESP will continue to #ThankAPrincipal all year long. Learn more

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