American Student Council Association Building the next generation of leaders

Building the next generation of leaders

Student Council School of Excellence Award

The Goal of the Program

Remembering that this is not a competition but that the goal of this program is to recognize student councils for outstanding participation in the following areas: community service, student leadership, citizenship, and school spirit.


Schools participating in this prestigious award program receive a Certificate of Excellence and recognition in NAESP’s publications and web site,


There is no longer a fee to enter. However, councils must be a member of ASCA to qualify for the award. Log in on the left or become an ASCA member to access the application.


            Elementary School

  • Complete the Student Council School of Excellence Application Form below.
  • Complete Project Description Forms for two different projects from the following categories:
    • Community Service
    • Student Leadership
    • Citizenship
    • School Spirit
  • Submit a copy of your student council constitution.
  • Explain how council members are elected/selected.
  • Provide a letter of recommendation from your school’s principal.
  • Provide a letter of recommendation from your student council president or vice president.
  • Provide photos of student council activities and include the school name as the photos title.

Middle School (If your school is K-8, it will be considered a middle level school if your officers are in grades 6-8.)

  • Complete the Student Council School of Excellence Application Form below.
  • Complete Project Description Forms for a total of four projects from each of the following categories:
    • Community Service
    • Student Leadership
    • Citizenship
    • School Spirit.  
  • Submit a copy of your student council constitution.
  • Explain how council members are elected/selected.
  • Provide a letter of recommendation from your school’s principal.
  • Provide a letter of recommendation from your student council president or vice president.
  • Provide photos of student council activities and include the school name as the photos title.

Continue to the
Award Application