A Call for Change—Black Male Achievement

This week, the Council of the Great City Schools released “A Call for Change: The Social and Educational Factors Contributing to the Outcomes of Black Males in Urban Schools,” which reported that “young black males are in a state of crisis” because they consistently perform lower than their peers. The Council’s Executive Director Michael Casserly asks: “How can you narrow or close the country’s black-white achievement gap when African-American males are not getting the attention and support they need to succeed?"

Of the study’s findings, it is shown that “black children were twice as likely to live in a household where no parent had full-time or year round employment in 2008” and “one out of every three black children lived in poverty compared with one out of every 10 white children.” Furthermore, this gap persists beyond socio-economic indicators, with the average black fourth and eighth graders doing no better in reading and math than poor, white males.

This report raises big issues and suggests that the White House take the helm, convening a conference to address the matter.

Principal magazine took up this issue, addressing, for example, the changing face of diversity and cultural proficiency. What strategies have you found effective in meeting the needs of black males and narrowing the achievement gap?

These issues, and others, will be addressed at NAESP's 2011 Annual Convention in Tampa, April 7-10.

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