Technology for 21st Century Learners

Transforming Technology Curriculum for 21st Century Learners
 Nancye Blair
Sunday, April 10, 12:30-1:45 p.m., Convention Center, 1st Floor, Room 13

Modeling Differentiation—For Students and Teachers

Coaching and Supporting Teachers in Differentiated Instruction
Betty Hollas
Sunday, April 10, 12-2 p.m., Convention Center, 1st Floor, Room 24-25


Seeking Teacher Leaders

Real Change Happens Through Teacher Leadership
Susan Bell
Saturday, April 9, 1:15-2:30 p.m., Convention Center, 1st Floor, Room 13

Leadership has gotten a lot of attention lately in research, books, and articles. It is key to achieving significant gains in our educational system. We all know that it takes more than just one or two administrators to pull everything together, but often we miss out on developing the teacher leadership that will sustain growth and continue the programs for long-term success.

No Substitute Teacher Left Behind

No Substitute Left Behind: The Principal and School's Role in Enhancing Substitute Teacher Effectiveness
Kevin O’Connor

Saturday, April 9, 1:15 - 2:30 p.m., Convention Center, 1st Floor, Room 7

On average, each elementary student is in the presence of a substitute teacher 15 days per school year.

Data That Matters

Data That Matters: Using a Balanced Scorecard to Summarize and Organize Data
Frank Buck
Saturday, April 9, 4:15-5:30 p.m., Convention Center, 1st Floor, Room 16

Do you find yourself drowning in data yet starved for meaning? Do you have filing cabinets filled with data, yet you are at a loss as to how to organize and communicate what the data is showing?

The Principal-Data-Teacher Connection

Beyond the Data: How to Have Data Conferences with Teachers
Betsy Moore
Saturday, April 9, 4:15-5:30 p.m., Convention Center, 1st Floor, Room 13

Time after time, research has shown that leadership has a direct link to the success of the organization. In principal-teacher data conferences, principals take steps toward becoming the true instructional leaders in their buildings. Principal-teacher data conferences are meetings in which the principal leads a systemic process for analyzing data and making instructional decisions based on the data.

Manage Your Workflow

Managing the Workload of High-Performance Leadership
Justin Baeder
Friday, April 8, 4-5:15 p.m., Convention Center, 1st Floor, Room 24-25

What does a focus on performance look like in the moment? Being a school leader involves managing thousands of pieces of information, each important in its own way.

Professional Development for the Early Learning Continuum

Building Early Learning Leaders: New Jersey’s Pre-K-3 Leadership Training Series
Cynthia Rice and Kathleen Priestley

Friday, April 8, 8:30 - 9:45 a.m., Convention Center, 1st Floor, Room 20-21

In recent years, New Jersey has become a leader in identifying and addressing all facets of the early learning continuum. One of those key areas has been the development of an interactive professional development series for school district administrators—including principals—for strengthening their pre-K-3 leadership skills.

Putting Brain Research into Practice

BrainSMART Leading for Learning: Keys to Increasing Student Achievement
Donna Wilson and Marcus Conyers

7:45 - 9:45 a.m., Friday, April 8, Convention Center, 1st Floor, Room 22-23

University researchers have learned more about the brain in the past 10 years than they have in the previous 100, and at least two universities have graduate degree programs in brain-based teaching.

Reporting Live From NAESP’s Convention

Whether or not you’ll be in Tampa, Florida, attending NAESP’s 2011 conference, Convention News Online will be your source for news and information about the latest event happenings. Check back often for recaps of recent events, announcements, pictures, blog entries, and attendee comments and reactions via our Twitter stream.

A Call for Change—Black Male Achievement

This week, the Council of the Great City Schools released “A Call for Change: The Social and Educational Factors Contributing to the Outcomes of Black Males in Urban Schools,” which reported that “young black males are in a state of crisis” because they consistently perform lower than their peers.