Distinguished Principals to Be Honored Today

In tandem with National Principals Month, NAESP will recognize 62 elementary and middle school principals for their exceptional school leadership during the Association’s two-day National Distinguished Principals (NDP) program in Washington, D.C. Individuals in the NDP class of 2010 exemplify the highest attributes of the elementary and middle-level principalship and demonstrate significant career accomplishments; dedication to education; exemplary leadership; high standards for instruction and student achievement; and lasting contributions to their entire school communities.

This prestigious program, established in 1984, promotes and celebrates excellence in educational leadership for pre-K-8 education, and it highlights the fundamental importance of elementary and middle-level principals as primary catalysts for creating a lasting foundation for learning, driving school and student performance, and for shaping the long-term impact of school improvement. The program, which is Oct. 14-15, is conducted by NAESP in corporate partnership with VALIC.

Each class of NDPs includes principals who lead elementary and middle-level schools in both the public and private sectors, U.S. Department of Defense Educational Activity Schools, and U.S. Department of State American Overseas Schools.

Congratulations to the 62 principals being honored this year!

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America's Movers & Shakers!

I am basking in the after-glow of an amazing two days in DC for the National Distinguished Principal award ceremony. Thank you NAESP, VALIC, Lifetouch and Encyclopedia Britannica for recognizing and validating the work of school principals. Thank you RI Association of School Principals, New England's zone director, Jill Flanders, and the fabulous NAESP staff who kept things running smoothly. It was an honor to be in the company of national educational movers and shakers.
My favorite momento is the bell and it will be available to all Matunuck students to ring when they exhibit effort and perseverance!


Reading this year's NDP's comments about their experience in Washington brought back all the wonderful feelings I had last year when I was honored as a 2009 NDP. This was clearly the highlight of my career and I will always remember the ceremonies and how special everyone at NAESP and NJPSA made us feel. Thank you again, and CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF THIS YEAR'S NATIONAL DISTINGUISHED PRINCIPALS!!

NDP Awards

Thank you to the NAESP, Valic, and Lifetouch for honoring principals from all over the country and beyond. It was not only a fabulous opportunity to meet other principals but it was inspiring to hear what was important to them. The event was so well planned and the addition of Zone Leaders certainly helped to make us comfortable. (Thanks,Fidelia Sturdivant!) I also don't want to forget Encyclopedia Britannica for the wonderful gifts that they gave us for our schools. I am humbled by this honor knowing that there are other principals out there doing a wonderful job day in and day out on behalf of our nation's children.


What a wonderful time and recognition. Thank you to NAESP, Valic, and Life Touch for a fabulous event and great memories.

Thank you!

Thank you NAESP, VALIC, Lifetouch and Encyclopedia Britannica for the experience of a lifetime. My wife and I have not stopped talking about the experience since we got home! It was amazing how at the Thursday check-in we knew no one and by the time the banquet ended on Friday we had so many new friends! It was truely an amazing experience.


Thank you so much for such an amazing time! A special thank you to NAESP, VALIC, and LifeTouch for supporting and creating such a "once in a lifetime" experience. Also, a special thank you to Mark Terry, Zone 8 Leader for the special gifts and photos. Thank you to CCOSA, OAESP, DeAnn Davis, and the learning community of Sequoyah Elementary for making this honor possible! I look forward to staying in contact with my new NDP friends!

Thank You

It was an honor to be one of those recognized as a National Distinguished Prinicpal. I, too, thank everyone that made this possible including the students and staff at Swasey Central School and the New Hampshire Association of School Principals. It all started with them. Those at NAESP and the sponsors created a very special time in Washington, D.C. for us all. It is a time that I will never forget! I am proud to represent dedicated principals across the country. Thank you!

NDP Award

The two days in Washington D.C. being honored and praised for our dedication and the work we all do in our various schools will be remembered for a long time to come. I feel honored and humbled to be a part of the 2010 National Distinguished Principal's award winners. Thank you to NAESP and everyone involved for making the days so magical and special for all of us.

NDP Recognition in D.C.

The experience was wonderful. The NAESP board and all that organized the event did a superb job in handling every detail. It was overwhelming! I thank all that made this possible. Valic and Lifetouch were huge contributors and I will forever remember the generosity and kindness you showed. The many principals I met will forever be in my memory and hopefully I will meet each again at convention. Thanks to all!


What an amazing, humbling honor to be among the NDP Class of 2010. Two days filled with memorable experiences and opportunities to network. NAESP is a class act itself, and VALIC and Lifetouch gave us lasting and fulfilling moments!


What a great honor...Thanks so much for everything!

Thank you to the wonderful

Thank you to the wonderful NAESP staff, Valic, and Lifetouch for such a wonderful experience! I met so many great people and had a wonderful time!

National Distinguished Principal

The two days I spent in Washington, DC were wonderful. I can not thank NAESP and VALIC enough for the wondeful experience they provided for us. For once I felt like somebody cared about the job we do. It really felt good to get the royal treatment. Congratulations to all the NDP's across the country and the world.

National Distinguished Principals

What an honor to have been chosen to represent all the wonderful principals in Arizona. Thank you to NAESP, Valic, Lifetouch and all the wonderful people who made this event so special.


An amazing event once again! So many talented, dedicated principals in one place being treated like the celebrities they are!

It was an honor meeting this

It was an honor meeting this year's group of NDPs. Their stories of school success, their humble attitudes, and their ideas for school improvement was inspiring!

Great Support

I wanted to take a minute to thank NAESP and their sponsors for a terrific event! What an honor! I have made new friends and colleagues whom I will now keep in touch with! It was an amazing event! Thank you also to Valic and Lifetouch for their continued support!

NDP Recognition

It was great to meet so many outstanding principals from across the country and from overseas. The National Distinguished Principals were truly deserving of the wonderful recognition program that was held in their honor.

Congrats and Thanks to the NAESP staff for presenting another top quality program.

It was great meeting you and

It was great meeting you and all the other NDPs last night at the reception at the State Department.

Keep up the good work!!

Thank you!

What a wonderful recognition! Thanks NAESP.

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