Don’t Fear Labels

AYP scores giving you the blues? The author of the May/June Speaking Out article says principals shouldn’t allow school-accountability labels bring them down. “Rather than fear the label, today’s building leader should embrace the realities and seek to lead in a climate that is desperately craving instructional leaders and role models for the school community to follow,” writes William Sterrett.

Sterrett, a former principal, goes on to explain that a school’s inability to attain adequate yearly progress (AYP) does not accurately portray the successes realized in classrooms. How much weight does your district or community put on labels despite your school’s improvements?

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Fear Not

I am an experienced principal and my school has not made AYP the last 2 years. We were in watch those two years but made it in the area of watch. This year may be our year to have 2 consecutive year's in Reading. I agree with your article. You try hard to help teachers meet all student's needs but when scores are posted you fall short. It is now a time of fear. The principal is held accountable regardless of the former school watches where personnel was cut instead of added....
It is harder than ever to meet the rising benchmark especially with transfer of personnel and loss of site-based management. AYP is holding education hostage instead of allowing students needs to be meet in areas of physical, emotional, academic (thinkers), and social.

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