Farewell, New Orleans

The Delegate Assembly is held on the last morning of the convention. The main business at hand is to approve the constitutional changes that have been recommended by the resolutions committee. One of the key items to be voted on this year is electronic voting for national office, which passed.
Also during the Delegate Assembly, outgoing members of the NAESP Board of Directors are given a token of appreciation from their states.
I have considered it an honor to have had the privilege to act as the NAESP convention blogger. I hope that in some small way my contribution to the blog has been helpful to you. My best to you as you finish your school year!

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re: Farewell, New Orleans

I was pleased to learn that online voting passed. Following Ian Jukes' convention keynote regarding educating the "digital" generation, it was great to see the delegates take this digital leap. KUDOS!

re: Farewell, New Orleans


Thanks for sharing. Nice job covering the conference. There were a lot of similarities in conference sessions with some I attended at AASA.

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