A Four-Pronged Approach to Increasing Support for Public Schools

“This is a most hopeful time for America’s public schools,” said keynoter Jamie Vollmer, who addressed principals during the Opening Session of NAESP’s National Leaders Conference. This is true, Vollmer maintains, despite the daunting challenge of educating all students to high levels in a manner no generation has ever been asked to do before.

The moral imperative to educate all students to their full potential has become a matter of practical concern as well, Vollmer said. According to him, assuring the future prosperity and well-being of our communities requires that schools succeed in their mission to meet the needs of all students. This is a ripe opportunity for schools to leverage their communities to support education and systemic changes needed to support student success.

Vollmer suggests that increased public support for public schools and awareness of the work they do is critical for increasing student success. He outlined what he calls the Four Pre-requisites for Student Success, a hierarchical list of priorities for school systems:

            1. Community Understanding
            2. Community Trust
            3. Community Support
            4. Community Permission (for change)

Vollmer recommends a course of action designed to promote public support for our schools, and urged principals to work with school staff (including custodians, bus drivers, and kitchen staff) to adopt the “Four  S” approach:

Stop bad-mouthing schools. When people hear school employees tell negative stories about their schools, it fuels community disregard and lack of confidence in schools.

Shift your attention from the negative to the positive. Vollmer asserts that we need to focus our attention on the positive aspects of our work and our schools. Noting that “You get more of what you pay attention to,” this shift improves school climate and in turn, influences the greater community as well.

Share something positive. School staff should find opportunities to share positive anecdotes and stories with people whenever they can. These stories need not be dramatic to be powerful. Putting positive stories into the community in this fashion helps to build positive regard for schools.

Sustain the efforts. Vollmer encourages school staff to take a few minutes weekly to assess their efforts. Make a commitment to increase the number of positive contacts and stories about schools each week.

This is a simple process that schools can begin immediately to build public support for education and schools. According to Vollmer, “Now is the time.”

Ayesha Farag-Davis, Principal, Bruce M. Whittier Middle School, Poland, Maine

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We could now get the clashroyalehacker.com online as we know that this can give you free gems.

completely agree

I think you're right about this, too many public schools have a poor reputation without any backing or evidence suggesting so. We need to stand up for public schools and continue to send our kids there.

Masters of Ed in Educational Leadership

in working in the education realm, specifically focused on creating effective leaders in education, many of these priorities are are what we strive to communicate to our students. On another note I believe bad-mouthing schools creates some of the most damaging effects on schools. How can we maintain positive attitudes when parents and us citizens continue to point their fingers and put down educators?

Great article. I agree with

Great article. I agree with Jamie that it's a hopeful time. Maybe we're not seeing all the policies pushed through that we would like, but at least Education is at the top of the government agenda.

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