Happy Anniversary!

The Principals’ Office turns 1 today. During the past year we have covered topics like the reauthorization of ESEA, the future of schools and education, and educating the whole child—which have garnered close to 30,000 visitors and many insightful comments. In the year ahead, you can look forward to more engaging posts that connect you with your colleagues.

Since its debut, the Principals’ Office has been joined by NAESP state affiliate blogs from Texas, North Dakota, and Washington. Here’s to another year in the blogosphere.

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re: Happy Anniversary!

Congratulations! You all have done a terrific job! Keep up the great work as I look forward to going to the Principals' Office:)

Steve Poling,Principal
Tucson, AZ

re: Happy Anniversary!


How time flies, huh?

I commend you and your staff for being ahead of the curve . Many school leaders are not quite sure what a blog is...nevermind maintaing one that is current and insightful on a daily basis.

I look forward to more postings in the years to come!!